I am what I am, I shall be what I want to be;
I am what I am, I shall be what I want to be;
It's the goal in my life, I have set for me
If I do what I want to do, no reason to grudge for me
Slowly and steadily, I shall move towards the goal set for me
It is I who have to reach the goal, goal is not to come to me
Facts of life shall remain, facts will not change for me
Never shall I miss, divine bliss by being what he wants me to be
Never will question, before being what he wants me to be.
Satguru Shri Devendra Ghia (Kaka)
View Original |
I am what I am, I shall be what I want to be;
It's the goal in my life, I have set for me
If I do what I want to do, no reason to grudge for me
Slowly and steadily, I shall move towards the goal set for me
It is I who have to reach the goal, goal is not to come to me
Facts of life shall remain, facts will not change for me
Never shall I miss, divine bliss by being what he wants me to be
Never will question, before being what he wants me to be.
English Explanation |
In this English hymn, He guides us to follow our own path to God in our own way
We have all been created by God to be completely unique ; we all have different aspirations in life and we set our own goals accordingly
When we follow our own goals in life, we should ensure that we do not impose anything on others and they will also give us the space and opportunity to do whatever we want
In this way, we will be able to move towards what we want to achieve
As this is the direction that we have set ourselves to go in, it is we who have to make the effort to reach our goal as no one is going to be able to make our goal come to us instead
Certain things in life will remain the same no matter what and nature will go it's own course without any regards to us
If we do everything that is right, we will be automatically be in the right position to receive God's grace and be embraced by Him
If we do not hesitate in doing all the right things, we will undoubtedly become what He wants us to be, our very best selves in the image of God and finally become one with Him
While we want to do everything our own way and not be answerable to anyone or anything, we have to realize that doing right things and doing it our own way are not mutually exclusive and can coexist. We just have to reach God in our own individual ways, regardless of religious rites, traditions, standard defined processes and so forth.