Difficulties in life can come in tons, tons and tons;
Difficulties in life can come in tons, tons and tons;
Pick up and solve it in life, one by one by one
Problems and problems will arise, from what we have done;
Solve it and solve it till there remains none
You have to fight your battles till you have won,
Let it be a battle, fight it always, it is not fun
While fighting battle, do not become lonely and alone;
If you do not solve it properly, in life you will moan.
Satguru Shri Devendra Ghia (Kaka)
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Difficulties in life can come in tons, tons and tons;
Pick up and solve it in life, one by one by one
Problems and problems will arise, from what we have done;
Solve it and solve it till there remains none
You have to fight your battles till you have won,
Let it be a battle, fight it always, it is not fun
While fighting battle, do not become lonely and alone;
If you do not solve it properly, in life you will moan.
English Explanation |
In this English hymn, He informs us to always be prepared for everything in life and face life head on -
All of us will face varying degrees of difficulties at various times in our life
Each difficult situation has to be handled properly and thoroughly one by one
All the problems we face in our life are all caused by our own past actions
Each problem has to be handled properly and thoroughly one by one
We have to always be mentally prepared to face every single thing that life throws at us by our self
All the difficulties and problems in life cannot be ignored or taken lightly and need to be resolved properly, even though it may not be easy
While trying to overcome all the difficulties, you should not feel that you are alone
If you do not overcome all the problems and difficulties in life, you will not be able to have any peace or calmness in life
Kaka is informing us that to face difficulties and problems in life is nothing unusual and we should not feel that we are the only ones that need to do so. Running away of any sort is not a solution and we must face it all and overcome it all. This will not be easy and we may feel that we cannot succeed or nobody understands what we are going through or nobody can help us or we will never come out of it. But, we must accept that we are never alone because God is always there with us. All we need to do is surrender everything to God and let God take care of everything through Divine Grace by having unshakeable belief that He will do so in due time.