Oh, God! Thou art mine; search you difficult I find
Oh, God! Thou art mine; search you difficult I find,
Traces of desire and thought, difficult to leave behind.
Prostrating before you I do, what I should not do,
Keep moving my mind and thoughts along too.
From peak of desire, see ocean of desire around,
I am so much so deep in it, unnecessary feel proud.
Know not what I do, still doing everything;
Still I feel in me, I am lacking something.
Wandering and wandering, my mind I wander,
Busy and busy so much, get no time to ponder.
Satguru Shri Devendra Ghia (Kaka)
View Original |
Oh, God! Thou art mine; search you difficult I find,
Traces of desire and thought, difficult to leave behind.
Prostrating before you I do, what I should not do,
Keep moving my mind and thoughts along too.
From peak of desire, see ocean of desire around,
I am so much so deep in it, unnecessary feel proud.
Know not what I do, still doing everything;
Still I feel in me, I am lacking something.
Wandering and wandering, my mind I wander,
Busy and busy so much, get no time to ponder.
English Explanation |
In this English hymn, He informs us why we are unable to realize God despite our efforts -
I accept and acknowledge God and I know that I need to reach Him
We know that we have to give up our materialistic desires and worldly thoughts but no matter how much we do so, we are still unable to give up everything
Even though I surrender to God, I continue to do whatever I think I should do, which may not even be what He wishes for me
I keep thinking of doing this and doing that such that there seems to be no end in sight as I will fulfill one desire, then wish for another desire which may be fulfilled and then move on to the next desire
I wrongly make myself believe that I am truly achieving something by doing everything and so continue to run after this only
Despite all the things even rightly happening and everything getting fulfilled, I still do not feel satisfied and happy
So I continue the same cycle over and over, not realizing why I am not able to reach God
This shows that material things will never give us lasting satisfaction no matter what. We want to achieve God but only on our own terms and while having all our pleasurable objects on hand with us also. We do not realize or understand what God truly is. Only when we firmly decide that I want to only want God and nothing else whatsoever, will I start leaving all the worldly things behind and be on the path to realize God